Sunday, 21 October 2012

Gambo Pond--at her "Fall Finest" !!!!

The awesome weather has been consistent around here.  Yesterday, 
October 20, 17 degrees & Sunny!!!!

Roger and I got on the bike and headed East as far as Maccles Lake.  It was a perfect day. 
We started out going through the Gambo Trailway underpass, which is a multi-plate culvert.  
This tunnel replaced the underpass that was used by the trains, years ago, 
 when they were still running.  
What a tragedy, that the trains no longer run in this beautiful big province. 

We ate lunch on a bridge over Northwest Brook, between Gambo and Glovertown.


After a couple of hours of sunshine and fresh air, we headed back toward home.  
We were drawn to Gambo Pond,where we spent a little time down in the 
eastern end--closest to Gambo.  
The pond was was just one of those days.  
Just take a look............

Looking towards Drover's Beach

Have a great week, everyone.