Saturday, 5 January 2013

Merry "Old Christmas Day"!!!

Here in Newfoundland, on January 6, we celebrate "Old Christmas Day".  This date marks the twelfth day of Christmas. Usually, Christmas trees and other decorations are left up until this date.  Years ago, most rural Newfoundlanders celebrated heartily on each of the twelve days of Christmas.

I didn't decorate this year like I usually do, but I did manage to put up a few things early in Decemeber before my Mom got really sick.  Here are a few pictures of the last remnants of Christmas from around our house this year..............

A vintage sleigh that I bought at a Yard Sale several years ago....I love it.

I love the blurred look of the lights on this one....I had my camera set to "No Flash' so my shutter was open for a long time and my movement gave this effect.

It is a beautiful sunny day here today, only -4 Celsius, so hubby took advantage of the good weather and took all the outdoor stuff down.

I like to do my mantel different each year...this year it was very simple...but still "Christmas-ey"
I got up bright and early this morning and "de-christmasized" my house on the inside.  I must say it feels good to move everything and give it a good dusting and put things back in their rightful place.  I feel like I may have to take my camera and go for a good long walk this afternoon.  Hopefully I'll get some good shots to share later in the week.
