Friday 18 April 2014

Happy Easter from my house to yours!!

 How about this beautiful hydrangea, An Easter gift from my dear friend, Moe.
I'll be putting this one out in my yard after the threat of frost is past...that may be as late as September...haha!
I'll keep you posted on that. 
We are expecting 10 cm of snow in these parts tomorrow!

I made a batch of "Coconut Bird's Nest Cupcakes". 
 I hope they taste as good as they smelled while baking.
 One of my oldest little Easter trinkets........all dressed up in her
 Easter bonnet-guarding the cupcake.....

and of course, my Easter tree...

Happy Easter Every Bunny!!!!!


  1. The hydrangea is beautiful - but please, no more snow! Your cupcakes are adorable - how very creative (and probably delicious)!!

  2. The cupcakes look delicious and that is a gorgeous hydrangea!

    Happy Easter, Kate!

  3. Lovely photos. Happy Easter!

  4. The cupcakes taste as good as they look. They are delicious! Thank You, Kathy
